Suicide Warning Signs

If you know someone at risk, or suspect a loved one is at risk take immediate action. The person that suffers from suicidal tendencies my show signs, when they arrive at a point that they consider taking their life. Families that have a loved one that suffers from depression or other disorder that has been linked with the risk of suicide, need to be aware of the warning signs of suicide.

Many professionals are dedicated in their work for suicide prevention. If a loved one has taken their life, there are doctors and legal counselors who are ready to listen and help the family hold negligent medical professionals and evil doers who pushed the dead personal over the edge, accountable. Usually a victim’s family can get a free and confidential consultation.

Suicide Risk Signals:

  • Individuals that make threats to hurt or kill themselves.
  • Individuals that seek ways to kill themselves.
  • Individuals that talk about death or dying, or write about it.
  • Individuals that look for access to pills, weapons or other methods to harm themselves.
  • A person that feels trapped, with no other way out.
  • A person that feels hopelessness.
  • Someone that engages in reckless actions or engages in risky activities, without thinking or fear.
  • Increased drug or alcohol use.
  • Anger, rage and the need for revenge.
  • The person that has dramatic mood changes.
  • The person that suffers anxiety or agitation.
  • The person that cannot sleep or sleeps all the time.
  • The person that withdrawals from family, friends and / or society.
  • Feelings of no reason to live, no purpose in life.
  • A person in being bullied and pushed around at school.

If A Suicide is From Bullying, or Bad Care, Consult a Dedicated Private Lawyer or the Government

After the loss of a loved one to the tragedy of suicide is emotionally difficult and leaves the family with many questions. Could they have prevented this from happening? Why did they not see the signs? What can they do now? It can be confusing, along with the emotional trauma of knowing what can be done after a suicide.

Dealing with these questions and the complexities of this kind of loss can be overwhelming. Experienced death attorneys deal with suicide victim’s families, the bully, and the medical professionals that were entrusted to provide the proper mental health care and failed. There are also various governmental institutions that can assist families.  Prevention is the key. Click for the prevention helpline.

Suicide Awareness and Prevention